The Current TV agency search (which started on Twitter) has been “delayed.”

June 24, 2009 at 5:30 pm Leave a comment

You may recall all the dust kicked up a few weeks ago by the Current TV agency search. In order to advance to round two, agencies had to make their submissions on Twitter. Many responded–some cleverly, most less so. A bird on the inside of the process tells me there are deep political and strategic divides on which direction the network should be headed. There have been significant staffing changes at Current TV as well. To protect the innocent, I shall not go into further detail here. 

As a result of all this, the network’s agency search has been delayed (you may wish to read that as “canceled”). 

While I would like to think the network has delayed the review to get all hands on deck and put them to work trying to free its two reporters who are now languishing in one of Kim Jong Il’s prisons, I doubt it. Mere marketing types are rarely invited into such lofty orbits. That being the case, I have two words for the management of Current TV about their calling a review, getting agencies to spend a lot of time (hence money) responding to it, and then yanking the emergency brake: Not cool.

Of course, in this economic climate in which most agencies would cheerfully rip the still-beating heart out of a kitten for a chance at a little revenue, I’m certain that if the review starts back up in a few weeks with entirely different parameters, agencies will come running.

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Did Malcom Gladwell get it wrong? And no, this is not a story about his hairdo. How to recognize the end of the recession, depending on where you’re standing.

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June 2009